Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Transnational Retailers and Retail Change in Southeast Asia

December 13-14, 2013
Geography Department,
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
National University of Singapore

The presenters: Dr. Neil Coe (National University of Singapore), Dr. Malobi Mukherjee (University of Oxford), Dr. Hendrik Meyer-Ohle (National University of Singapore), Dr. Randall Shannon (Mahidol University), Dr. Le Viet Trung (Vietnam Petroleum Institute), Dr. Rosmimah Mohd Roslin (Mara University), Dr. Delik Hudalah (Bandung Institute of Technology), Dr. Masayoshi Maramuya (Kobe University), Dr. Lina Salim (Atma Jaya University), Dr. Larry Digal (University of the Philippines Mindanao), Dr. Endo Gen (Daito Bunka University), Dr. Ronnie Natawidjaja (Padjadjaran University), Dr. Bing Baltazar Brillo (University of the Philippines Los Banos), and Dr. George Martin Sirait (Atma Jaya University).

Special thanks to Prof. Neil, Gek Han, Lai Wa and Rachel.

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